Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Mystery Reader #1

Mrs. Blevins was our first Mystery Reader. The students loved trying to guess who was coming. By the time I gave the 5th clue, little Blevins was sure it was his mom!

He was so excited to have her share his favorite books with the class.

My class sure love story time! It was a good thing she brought 2 books. Books are so fascinating, and funny as well.
(They also seem to like making rabbit ears!)

Thanks for coming, Mrs. Blevins!

I wonder who our next Mystery Reader will be.....

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

The Color Wheel

Last week we learned about the color wheels. I first showed the class a painting done by Mrs. Anderson's husband. I asked the children to tell me the colors that he used. They told me green, orange, purple, brown, and yellow. I then told them that Mr. Anderson only used 3 colors: red, yellow, and blue. They were a bit confused, but then one child told us that he probably mixed some colors. This little boy was correct of course!

Then we got into doing the clay activity. I gave each child red, yellow, and blue clay. They also had a paper with the color wheel on it. They just had to add the clay. We put the primary colors on first. Then we talked about what colors we had to mix to make the other colors.

red + yellow = orange
red + blue = purple
blue + yellow = green

As you can tell in the pictures below, the kids loved doing this activity!

Hopefully their color wheels made it home in one piece! I'm sorry if their hands were a little dirtier than normal. The clay was hard to wash off!